
UPSC Toppers 2023 – Girls Shine in the UPSC CSE Exam

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has recently announced the UPSC Toppers List 2023, coinciding with the declaration of the UPSC Final Result 2022-23 on May 23, 2023. This year, it’s a proud moment for women as they have secured the top four ranks in the UPSC CSE 2022 Exam. Ishita Kishore has emerged as the topper, followed by Garima Lohia, Uma Harathi N, and Smriti Mishra. These selected candidates will be appointed to various prestigious services like the Indian Administrative Service, Indian Foreign Service, Indian Police Service, as well as Central Services, Group ‘A’ and Group ‘B’. We extend our heartfelt congratulations and deep appreciation to the UPSC Toppers 2023 for their exceptional achievements.

The number of reported vacancies for the UPSC CSE 2022 Exam has increased to 1022, the highest in recent years, following the rollback of IRTS to Civil Services. Out of the candidates who appeared in the exam, 933 have been recommended for appointment, and an additional 178 candidates are kept under the reserve list. The UPSC 2022 Final Result pdf also includes the roll numbers of 101 recommended candidates with provisional selection. For the complete list of UPSC Toppers 2023, please refer to the table below.

UPSC Toppers 2023 List

Rank 1: Ishita Kishore
Rank 2: Garima Lohia
Rank 3: Uma Harathi N

These UPSC Toppers have showcased their hard work, dedication, and perseverance to excel in the exam. They possess a deep understanding of social, political, and economic issues, along with intellectual brilliance, academic excellence, analytical and reasoning skills, and effective time management abilities. Among the top achievers, Ishita Kishore, the topper, holds a degree in economics from Shri Ram College of Commerce, Delhi University. Garima Lohia, who secured the second rank, completed her graduation in Commerce from Kirorimal College, University of Delhi. Uma Harathi N, ranked third, is a B.Tech graduate in Civil Engineering from IIT-Hyderabad, with Anthropology as her optional subject.

To provide a historical perspective, here is a list of the UPSC Toppers from the past five years.

UPSC Toppers [Last 5 years]

Year – Rank 1 – Rank 2 – Rank 3 – Rank 4 – Rank 5
2023 – Ishita Kishore – Garima Lohia – Uma Harathi N – Smriti Mishra – –

The UPSC CSE Exam is widely recognized as one of the most esteemed and challenging examinations in India. It is conducted annually to select candidates for various civil services in the Indian government, including the IAS, IPS, IFS, and others. The cut-off marks for the final selection have been gradually increasing over the years, reflecting the growing competition. The UPSC Final Cut-Off Marks for 2023 will be released shortly after the UPSC Final Result is announced, considering the marks obtained in the Mains Examination and Interview.

We once again congratulate the UPSC Toppers 2023 for their outstanding achievements and wish them the very best for their future endeavors. Their success serves as an inspiration for aspirants and underscores the significance of hard work and dedication in achieving their goals.

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